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Did You Know?

We List Suppliers In The United States

The MAJORITY of the Certified Wholesalers we list are located in the United States which is something you won't find in most of the product wholesale sources you see online.

In fact, our Directory of Certified Wholesalers is one of the only official Wholesale Product Directories that is wholly owned and operated in the USA. If your customers are based in the USA then working with American Distributors can save you (and your customers) a lot of money in shipping costs. Which gives you a lot more flexibility as an online seller!

International Seller? Click Here.

Don't Forget...

We add new Certified Wholesalers to our Directory every week giving out Members brand new wholesale products to choose from (along with the 16 Million wholesale products we list).

So each week (on Wednesday) we'll send you our Newsletter detailing some of the latest wholesaler products we've added. The Newsletter will also contain our top pick list of Wholesale Tradeshows that may be coming to your area. You might even see our Research Team at a Wholesale Tradeshow near you!

Wishing you the very best in your business success,

The Infinity Phoenix Team