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Sign Up for the Infinity Phoenix Affiliate Program

Earn up to 25% commission per sale promoting the Best Wholesale Supplier Directory

Who is Infinity Phoenix?

Our passion is the same now as it has been since 1999 - find the BEST Wholesale Suppliers that will work with online retailers and add them to our Directory. We take great pride in creating better business online by ensuring that our Directory members are working with and selling products from safe, secure wholesalers.

Join the Team!
Recommend the safest Wholesaler and Dropshipper Directory online through your website, email list, social networks, blogs, articles, and banners. Earn up to 25% for a single sale!

Affiliate Signup

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* What URL are you putting your links on?: IE: your site URL, Twitter, Facebook, PPC's etc
* Pay Commissions to PayPal?
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 * I understand that I may NOT promote by sending unsolicited email (SPAM)
 * I have Read the Affiliate Agreement

Note: All affiliate account submissions will be manually verified & checked prior to approval. Infinity Phoenix reserves the right to decline any application or account that does not adhere to our affiliate agreement.